Sanket Nipun Metering Panel

RYB Indication with single line A&V Metering – All digital

The all smart and compact digital Metering Panel from Magnum – Sanket Nipun.

Magnum Sanket Nipun Metering Panel has three LED’s for R, Y and B phase supply indication. Also amongst them, 2 of the LED/s show Amps and Volts separately.

Salient Features

1)     Corrosion free – high quality enclosure withstands high temperatures

जंग मुक्त – उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला डिब्बा – उष्ण प्रतिरोधकता हेतु

2)     LED Indications for R,Y and B phase supply.

R, Y और B फेस सप्लाई संकेत हेतु – LED

3)     Digital Display of Volts (RB) and Amps (B phase) from the LED itself

LED से ही वोल्ट (RB) और एम्प्स (बी फेस) का डिजिटल डिस्प्ले

4)     Usable across any three phase device for metering and indications.

मीटरिंग और संकेत के लिए किसी भी तीन फेस वाले उपकरण में प्रयोग करने योग्य।

Metering Panel – Standard

Data Sheet
